5 Ways of Cognitive Development of Toddlers by Bhagavad Gita [For Toddlers , 5-15 Years of Age]

Table of Contents

Bhagavad Gita, is must read for all the people be it school going students or working or senior citizens alike. The wisdom which is available in Bhagavad gita is practical for all the ages.

Especially for toddlers, Bhagavad Gita offers limitless teachings that will help the growing kids in personality development, improving their thinking skills, creativity, help then become responsible, build their leadership skills, team work and cooperation skills and list just grows.

In this Blog, we discuss how reading Bhagavad Gita helps in developing cognitive skills of the toddlers.

For other qualities please refer their respective blogs such as Moral Development of toddlers with help of Bhagavad gita, Character Development Techniques for Growing Kids, How Bhagavad Gita helps in making us Responsible, and others.

Table of Contents

  • What is Cognitive Development
  • How Bhagavad Gita Can help children develop their Cognitive Skills
    1. Scientific Study with Sanskrit
    2. Aids Multi directional Thinking process
    3. Enhances Problem solving,
    4. Boosts Decision making skills,
    5. Makes one Inquisitive.
  • Enrol Your Child in FREE E-Gurukula
  • Master Gita using this FREE Gita Course

What is Cognitive Development

In simple words, Cognitive Development means how children think, explore and figure things out.
Development of thinking ability and utilisation of brain, how creative a person is, how much agile he is to solve problems give to him and so on.

How Bhagavad Gita Can help children develop their Cognitive Skills

Scientific Study with Sanskrit

Scientists have found that reciting Vedic Mantras have profound benefit in increasing the activity of neurons in the brain.

Increased neuron activity, means increased memory of the student, thus learning capacity increases significantly.

By reciting Bhagavad Gita shlokas regularly one develops ability to recollect things very quickly.

Aids Multi directional Thinking process

Thinking is very essential for the toddlers, more they think more will their brain tissues grow, thus aiding their cognitive development. This also makes child creative 🙂

As one reads Gita, one naturally begins to think and see situations from different directions, not only this increases thinking abilities , this simultaneously helps one think in multiple directions.

Enhances Problem solving

During the discussion between Arjuna and Krishna in Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna asks many serious questions to Krishna.

When a child reads these questions naturally he uses his brain to reflect on the questions, and more importantly child learns how to question this helps in the development of mental tissues of the toddlers.

And by reading various answers given by Krishna, one understands how to find solutions to problems that are presented before us.
This makes the toddlers ready to face challenges in life.

Boosts Decision making skills

When toddlers read Bhagavad Gita, they find how Krishna answers to Arjuna's questions with strong reasons, students similarly develop the very same attitude.

Thus they naturally seek to think twice about consequences before doing anything, thus enhancing their decision making capacities

Makes one Inquisitive

Naturally after seeing Arjuna asking so many questions, one imbibes this attitude as well, thus one becomes more and more inquisitive and asks questions for more and more clarification when things are not clear.

Not only one asks questions, but asks them like Arjuna did with respect not with pride to hurt others.

Enrol Your Child in FREE E-Gurukula

We know it is difficult to make the children, especially the toddlers to read scriptures, such as Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana or Mahabharata etc.

Thus our team has started FREE E-Gurukula, where students from age 7 to 14 years study Vedic Scriptures in Fun way.

Not only they study scriptures, but toddlers also learn many instruments, singing, drawing, and many other skills.

You can register for son or daughter or both here for FREE E-Gurukula.

Master Gita using this FREE Gita Course

We also have FREE Gita Course for people above 14 years of age, where they study most important themes from Bhagavad Gita and learn to practically apply Gita in their lives.

You can register for Free Gita Course here.

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