Yoga and it’s types 2

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Hello friends! We at Gita Quest are here to discover our best friend, true guide and the most valuable assets of life -'The Bhagavad Gita'.

In a previous blog, we discussed the two initial phases of Yoga: Karma kand and Karma Yoga. Now, we will discuss the remaining 3 phases of Yoga. So, let's begin…

Gyan Yoga

The next stage after Karma Yoga is known as 'Gyan Yoga'. When one continuously properly performs karma yoga, he becomes mature enough that he automatically shifts to the next level that is Gyan yoga.

As the name suggests, the person here performs Yoga in thoughts, not in action. The person slowly and gradually becomes philosophical and starts thinking 'Who am I?', 'Who is the creator?', 'Who is the supreme lord?' and thus, the search for the truth begins. It's also called Atmamanthan.

We slowly shift our attention to God and start getting detached from the materialistic world. Self-realization begins when a person can realize and understand the connection between the soul and supreme soul and all about this nature. This is the result of Gyan Yoga.

Dhyan Yoga

The next level after Gyan Yoga is 'Dhyan Yoga'. In Gyan Yoga, a person becomes philosophical and there is a revolution in mind and thus leads to the actions that will help a person understand the supreme reality in a better way.

Therefore, the person starts concentrating or we can say, starts meditating on the 'Supreme Soul'. According to 'Shrimad Bhagavatam' there are 3 major forms of Brahma viz,

  • Brahman
  • Paramatma
  • Bhagwan.

The person in this state concentrates or meditates on any particular feature of 'Brahma' as mentioned above. All this is called Dhyana Yoga.

Bhakti Yoga

The culmination of Dhyana Yoga is Bhakti Yoga'. It's concluded by many scholars that whatever karma or dhyana was performed by the person in previous stages, at a point it gets converted into 'Devotion', which is called as 'Bhakti Yoga'.

Bhakti Yoga is the topmost conclusion of 'Bhagwat Gita' as well. At this point, a person has some emotional attachment that isn't materialistic, but it's on a spiritual platform towards the supreme reality.


Thus, we can conclude that 'Yoga' is a very broad topic but with a proper understanding of 'Bhagwat Gita', one can easily use this as a medium of self-realization and also to connect with the supreme being.

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