This Gita Course Answered My 100+ Doubts – Sparsh Jain

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Note from GitaQuest Team : We randomly asked few Bhagavad Gita Course participants to share their Gita course testimonials, this is testimonial of Mr. Sparsh Jain, currently working as Business analyst in Penguin International.

I registered with GitaQuest when i saw an ad running on Instagram which stated "Learn Shrimad Bhagwat Gita free of cost with live classes from the IITians." 😜 

I registered for the course with the aim of getting the clarity and understanding about the Gita which has always fascinated me.

I had a lot of doubts and notions as to the existing of god which a lot of people of my generation have.

But the way GitaQuest mentors took the sessions was just so amazing. 🤩

The level of knowledge which they provide in the course is just so divine. 😇

They taught us everything from our standpoint. Since we are more inclined towards the scientific studies and perspectives of everything, this course took us into the spiritual concepts with everything is being proven/ backed by science.

The insights and examples which are used in the course will definitely challenge your perception of reality and will force you to think beyond what you already know which eventually would result in you having a lot of questions. And that's where GitaQuest nailed it again.

Sessions were not at all recorded, all the sessions were live, interactive and allowed us to express ourselves and our doubts as well very clearly.

Every session had a QnA phase . All the queries ( even the silliest ones) were considered and answered with a lot of enthusiasm.

Moreover, if still something bothers you, the mentors are always available to help you in person as well.

It's a life changing journey and i feel blessed till date that i registered for the course and I am now actually following the path of spirituality in right way rather than just putting up Sanatan dharma related reels on Instagram and considering myself as a pure devotee of lord.

Thankyou Gita Quest❤

Sparsh Jain

If you have read so far, you will also like to read experience of Yashu Verma : How Bhagavad Gita changed me in just 2 months.

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